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Changes at BVB

Line 32

The conversion to the on-demand bus service in Bettingen will be standardized on all days (Monday - Sunday). The last journey to the Chrischonaklinik is at 19.44 p.m. from the Bettingerstrasse stop on all days. After that, the municipal area is served by the on-demand bus.

Line 34

On weekend nights from Friday to Saturday and Saturday to Sunday, an additional night journey is offered at 3.40 a.m. from Bottmingen Schloss to Riehen Bahnhof.

Line 42

From around 7.30 a.m., additional journeys will be offered from SBB railroad station, at times running every 7.5 minutes in the morning in the direction of Hoffmann-La Roche.

Journeys on weekend nights (Friday/Saturday and Saturday/Sunday)

To improve connection times and ensure punctuality, the journey times have been adjusted on numerous lines. Specifically, we are adjusting the night journeys as part of the extension of the night S-Bahn to Frick and the associated shift in departure times in order to be able to offer a feeder service for this S-Bahn as well. All night journeys on lines 1/14 and 36 have been brought forward by 30 minutes. In addition, adjustments were made in the minute range for all other lines. This means that Line 1 can be used as a feeder to the S-Bahn in addition to Line 16. The changes also provide even more connection options for inner-city connections.

New stops, renamings, removals
Line place previous new
3 Basel Im Westfeld -
45 Riehen Dominikushaus Albert Oeri-Strasse